Features on Diversion TV

Monday, May 7, 2012

Nate Principato on Sugar Skateboards!

Nate Prinicipato is now skating for Sugar Skateboards. Check the video and interview below.


 DTV: Where are you from originally and what motivated you to start skating? 

NATE:  I'm from Boston, Massachusetts and  have no idea how I started skating, haha. I think I got a board for christmas one year; it had plastic wheels on it and I remember doing ollies in my  garage. I broke the wheel and looked at it like wtf just happened,  lol. My dad took me to Play it Again Sports and I got a legit setup- it had ants on the graphic is all I remember.

DTV:  What is your favorite city to skate? 

NATE: Is that even a question!? LA COUNTY BABY! Straight skate utopia!..The east coast has epic spots too though.

DTV:  When you're staring at that next big rail or gap what's going on in your head? 

NATE: I cant wait to smash this trick and make this gap my bitch!

DTV:  Do you think it's better to be in California if you want to make it in skateboarding? 

NATE: Umm,  I dunno, i used to, but now i feel like there's so many good skaters out there that kids who are amazing just get lost in the crowd. It's sad,  honestly, because I know kids who are ridiculously good and don't even have a sponsor.

DTV:   Of all your video clips, what video/trick are you most stoked on? 

NATE: My Standards Forsaken part for  sure...triple set footy was some of my best, Pasadena High too...and  that kick-flip over that 12 and the gate at the bottom, off Wilshire was  pretty legit I think lol...

DTV:  If you had to give one piece of advice about skating to kids watching your videos, what would it be?

NATE: I would say to keep skating as long as possible, especially if you have a strong  passion for it, its molded me to who i am today. Everything i do in my  life, I do it like my skating; I try as hard as possible at everything,  just like I have always done every single time I step on a skateboard. I  don't half ass anything, lol except maybe cleaning my apartment...

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