Features on Diversion TV

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

BMX Tuesday: Operativ Clothing

There's a new brand on the BMX scene called Operativ. They dropped an awesome edit, and we had the chance to speak with Josh Suhre to see what Operativ is all about!

DTV: Why did you start Operativ and what is it?

JOSH: What is a key principle that drives us as riders, BMX culture, media, etc? In it's rawest form I think it is the concept of "awareness." It's about looking at your environment from a different perspective, and reinventing it; creating something out of what is "nothing" to many others (who do not see from the same perspective). Everything surrounding the BMX culture that we have created as a collective is rooted in this concept, and that is an integral part of what drives Operativ.

Another person may walk by thousands of handrails in their life and never have the awareness to realize it's potential from our culture's point of view. The same goes for that perfectly level flatland spot, an opening in the woods to sculpt a perfect set of trails, a pool with transition coping that could be drained and turned into an epic spot. A photographer, for example, frames up a great riding shot before someone is even riding it; they have the awareness to see something, and use their skills to create something significant and memorable. It's pretty amazing how our lifestyle really cultivates a "third eye," and encourages us to view and utilize our environment in a extraordinary way. I think it is a much more motivating force for us as riders, artists, designers, etc. than the BS of sponsorship, who did what at what spot, money, etc. Operativ is inspired by these fundamental aspects that define BMX culture, and my goal is to represent our lifestyle in an authentic way; striving to progress apparel with conceptual design, top quality attention to detail, and exemplify the energy, creativity, and community that make BMX magnetic.

DTV: How did you come up with the concept for this video?

JOSH: The video is our first release under Operativ, and features Operativ rider Chad Ring. Chad has been killing it forever and we're amped to drop an edit that he really put in work for and reflects the energy of his riding. Chris Mahaffey is responsible for the filming and editing, and we both worked closely to produce the final edit. I'm very much honored to have Chris on board for future projects with us.

DTV: Where can people find Operativ products?

JOSH: Head over to our online store for all of the latest gear. We ship all over the world on a regular basis: http://shop.operativbrand.com

DTV:What kind of impact do you hope to have in the BMX community?

JOSH: I've always just been so amped to be involved in BMX as a rider and designer, and with Operativ it's really rewarding to sculpt something fresh, real, and have a great initial response inside and outside of BMX. We have such a solid crew on board, all of the riders: Bobby Simmons, David Grant, Chad Ring...Cody York and Chris Mahaffey behind the lens, and great contributors (Jeff Z, Andrew Brady, Devin Feil). My favorite part is the collaboration and motivation of the group. I hope for Operativ to inspire others from all aspects, to push themselves, to appreciate attention to detail, conceptual design, and the shared perspective that tie us together as a community. I think it's something BMX can use a lot more of, and I hope we are an prominent part of representing and taking it to the next level.

DTV: Are there any upcoming plans or things we should know about concerning Operativ?

JOSH: We have a lot of new gear in the works, a few items which will start to branch Operativ out more into the "apparel" side of things. I'm really excited about how product development is coming along and can't wait to share more details. Cody York and Chris Mahaffey are onboard to focus on filming and shooting future projects, which means the rest of us will have more time to focus on design, stacking clips, and getting the crew together for some good times! Thanks to everyone for the unbelievable support and being part of building Operativ.
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